The Fashionable and Well Groomed Modern Man

The Fashionable and Well Groomed Modern Man

The modern man has a lot on his plate. The pressure to be good at everything can seem daunting and overwhelming. As if having a good job and raising well adjusted children wasn’t tough enough, they then add emotionally stable, good listener and sensitive. Well time to add one more iron to the fire guys, the modern man needs to also be fashionable and well groomed. Gone are the days where a guy need only look to his fellow man for fashion protocol. I will try and help identify just a handful of common mistakes we as men make in an attempt to prevent you from being the butt of jokes.

Grooming Issues

Outdated hair style- A common mistake guys make is keeping a hair style long past when it was “cool”. So you have a great new cut that you think looks wonderful on you, that may be true, but that was back in 1985. Time to try something new.
Not sure where to start? Go to a salon (not one of those drive through hair cutting places that charge $12.95). Set an appointment and ask them for their advice. Let them work their magic. They are experts and will take into consideration your needs and wants when determining a style suited best for you.

Comb over/ Toupee’s- The sad reality is that some of us will indeed go bald. The absolute worse thing you can do is to try and hide it. The only person you are fooling is yourself. Good news!! Bald is in. So retire the rug and go short. You may want to add some subtle facial hair in order to add depth and interest to your face. Updating your eye wear will also be a great addition to your new look. Choose frames that suit your face and coloring. Stay away from frameless rims for this will not do anything as far as style and image goes.

Facial Hair- Keep it trimmed and neat. No one wants to kiss someone only to get a mouthful of whiskers. Invest in a good quality facial hair grooming tool. This will allow you to always fresh and kept.

Ear and Nose Hair- Just because you can’t see it when you look in the mirror, doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem. Invest in a good pair of trimmers and use them weekly.

Cologne- As with any style that comes, it also goes. Scent is no different. Yes, Drakar does smell good. However, if you are still wearing it you need to run to the nearest department store and get some help. Remember that 3 to 4 sprays are sufficient, don’t bathe in it or you may run the risk of be offensive. To much of a good thing can be just as off putting as bad body odor.

Teeth and Breath- You may not have perfect teeth. However, keep the ones you have clean. Everyone can name someone they know who has incredibly bad breath. Don’t be that person. Brush, floss and use gum or mints if you aren’t sure.

Hands and Feet- Take the time to trim your nails and cuticles. If you wear open toed anything, this is even more important. 9 out of 10 men list feet as important on the female attraction scale. It is no different for women. Take the time to manage your own feet and nails, trust me…women notice.

Common fashion Mistakes

Socks with Sandals- Do I really need to explain this?

White tube socks with shorts and sneakers- I don’t care if you pull them up or push them down. Go with ankle or athletic socks. The less they are visible the better. This simple change will make your legs and calves look better and give you the allusion of being taller. The wait staff at Hooters gets a pass on this one. Always wear socks that are appropriate and match your outfit. If you think people won’t see them or notice your socks, you would be wrong.

Shoes and Belts- These two items should always match. If your shoes are shinny, your belt should be shiny. Black with black and brown with brown.

Gold Chains with Pendants- Unless your name is Vinnie, you hail from the north east and drive an I-Roc Z, this is not a good look. If you fit the above description…your awesome and disregard this advice.

Spandex Anything- Lance Armstrong can pull it off, you however shouldn’t try.

Pleated Pants- News flash, pleats are out and the flat front is in. Pleats tend to make you look larger and shorter than you are. The flat front pant is a sleek and stylish way to freshen up your look and at the same time give you the allusion of being leaner and taller than you are.

Jeans with tapered legs- Jeans should fit over the top of your shoes or boots. If they don’t hang but rather bunch at the top of your shoes, it is time to retire them. Acid and stone washed were cool for a minute, but now they aren’t so don’t even think about it.

Jean Shorts- I’m not sure how they became popular, however they shouldn’t have. They don’t look good on anyone.

Hawaiian Shirts- If you are on a cruise or work at Bahama Breeze they are acceptable. If you don’t fit either of those categories you look like a nerd.

Ties with Funny designs- Unless it is “funny tie Friday”, no one thinks it is a good look other than you.

Short Sleeve Dress Shirts with Ties- I know it is summer and you get hot. Turn up the A.C. and deal with it. This looks ridiculous.

Shoes- Keep them clean, polished and remember it is impossible to “dress up” sneaker.
Shoes are one of those items where you get what you pay for. Spend the money on your shoes.

Remember that judgments are made about you in the first 10-seconds upon meeting someone. If you are not sure what you are communicating or how you are being received…we can help! alpha m. Image Consulting was launched back in 2006 by founder Aaron Marino. Aaron realized that there was a lack of resources and options for men to receive real world help and advice regarding their image, style and grooming. Our goal is to help the modern man look and feel the best that he can…every day of his life.