Graphic Design Tips: Bang On Tips On Logo Design

Graphic Design Tips: Bang On Tips On Logo Design

1) Keep it simple.

The logo is not a brochure but just an emblem. Remember that when you design a logo. The design idea should be uncomplicated and catchy without being complex and should engage the customer. Most designs that have caught the public eye are those that are easy to remember yet aesthetically appealing.

2) Be versatile and dynamic in the design process.

Logos are no longer used just on print advertisements or TV commercials but will appear in phone Apps or even coffee mugs. For this the logo should be versatile so that it looks as brilliant in black and white as it does in colour. Or it should look just as impressive when it is a few centimetres as it is when a few inches in size. When logos are designed to be dynamic then it can be easily adapted for display in any medium.

3) Keep in mind the brand’s image.

Logos express a lot about the company they stand for. Technology companies that would like to signify market leadership and stress their strict business ideals might go in for a futuristic design that is serious yet smart. While corporations which prefer to put forth a friendly image might opt for a vibrant logo. Therefore, the design of the logo is not just about creating a smart design but about displaying the ideals that the company stands for.

4) Add an edge to the design.

When a logo is designed for any company, the main goal is to create one that everyone finds easy to remember. Designing a logo that resembles everyday things or is usual will not help consumers recollect the design unless there is something unique or different about it that warrants its recognition.

5) Let the design be relevant to the company.

A random design will not be lapped up by the company or the consumers and for depth in designing, it is important to add meaning to the design. Designs that express unity or which signify the company’s growth or its ideals will appeal better. Designs that include the company’s name have also been found to be very effective. This will help the consumer identify the logo with the company a lot better.

6) Use a design font that you have created.

This is a tricky part but talented logo designers shouldn’t find it too hard. Instead of downloading fonts or using custom fonts, it is best to create new fonts so that the logo isn’t easily copied.

7) Break out of the ordinary.

The logo design has to be simple but it should not be something predictable. This is where a creative graphic design company scores over others. Logo designs that are easy to remember and catchy because they have something remarkable to offer will generate more interest when compared with other logo designs.

8) Carry out a feedback study.

Once a logo is designed it should be sent across to people for feedback and suggestions. Every logo might seem great in the eyes of the designer but might not be quite so. The best way to find out is by conducting a market survey to understand the reactions of a sample of the society.

All this will help create a truly winning logo.