Your friends and family will soon be gathering for your baby’s christening service. Of course, you want the baptism party that follows to be a wonderful occasion. Here are the top nine dos and don’ts for making this a very special celebration.
1. DO send beautiful invitations. They don’t have to cost a lot. You can even make them yourself Your invites supply important information about the day’s events and set the tone for the party. You might even want to order personalized photo baptism invitations that feature pictures of your little angel. They can serve an added purpose by providing a real keepsake for your guests.
2. DON’T rule out a theme for your christening party. White and gold decorations are not your only option. If you want to keep it spiritual in tone, you could go with Noah’s ark or baby lambs. Butterflies signify new life, so that would be a good choice. Angels are very popular. You can even find an angel costume to dress up a Build-a-Bear as your centerpiece. But there’s no rule that says you have to use decorations that are religious in nature. Feel free to deck your house with colors and designs that make you and your baby smile.
3. DO remember the baptism party is usually right after the church service. You might want to arrange to have the festivities some place close, like the church fellowship hall or a nearby restaurant. If you decide to have the celebration at home, enlist some help. You will, no doubt, be arriving back at your house at the same time as your guests. So, you could use some assistance to get everything ready.
4. DON’T feel pressured to spend a lot of money. You can keep your costs down by serving just coffee and cake. Or you could have a simple lunch buffet with rolls, bread, various deli meats and cheeses, and encourage guests to make their own sandwiches. A backyard barbecue is another possibility that can be budget friendly, especially if you limit your menu to hot dogs and hamburgers.
5. DO honor the godparents. You might want to include their names on the invitations or even on the party favors. Make a point of introducing them to everyone at the celebration. You might even want to give a little speech explaining why they were chosen for this role. Plus, make sure they get copies of all the photos you take that day.
6. DON’T overlook the kids. If there are a lot of children who will be attending the party, be sure to make provisions to keep them from being bored. If the festivities will be at a restaurant, bring coloring books and other quiet games to keep them occupied. If the celebration will be held at home, you can put on an animated movie on DVD or arrange games for them to play.
7. DO consider baptism favors. Although these are not absolutely necessary, they are a nice gesture to say thank you for sharing this special day. There is a wide variety of items available that feature a religious theme, including bookmarks, candy bars, notebooks, magnets, keychains and much more. You can even add your favorite Bible verse. Choose a favor that is personalized, perhaps even with your baby’s photo for an enduring memento your guests will treasure.
8. DON’T forget to make a memory book. It doesn’t have to be a fancy scrapbook. Just include photographs and important details from this significant event. Your little angel will not remember this special day. But years from now, you can take out the memory book and he can see it all for himself.
9. Do make it a celebration filled with joy. This is the first step in your baby’s spiritual journey. So relax, have fun, laugh, enjoy the company of your loved ones and give thanks to God for blessing you with this little angel.
Focus on the meaning of this day, but not with somber reflection. It’s a joyous occasion! Just follow these tips and it will be a wonderful celebration for you and your baby.